5 Reasons to Have Proactive Legal Advice

Legal disputes are expensive. In this article, we look at 5 reasons why you should engage with legal advice proactively rather than waiting for an issue.   Prevention is Better than Cure It is a classic saying that holds true in the legal world. Proactive legal advice can help you foresee potential legal issues and […]

Final Accounts – Everything You Need To Know

In today’s newsletter, I will be discussing everything you need to know about final accounts.    Typically, construction contracts include a provision for the contractor to receive the final payment upon the completion of the specified work. Usually, this payment is made after the defects liability period, as long as all noticeable defects have been […]

Does the Legal Industry Only Do Business With People at Crisis Point?

Throughout this article, I will be answering an important question: Why does the legal system only seem to do business with people at crisis point?    The legal industry is an integral part of the economy. However, it should not be used casually; the legal system is in many cases designed to be used as […]

How Do You Assess Whether a Case Will Be Successful or Not?

Throughout this article, I will be explaining how to assess whether a case will be successful or not.  One of the important skills of a good dispute resolution lawyer is to analyse the prospects of success of a case, also referred to as “case viability”. Case viability is initially established by interviewing the client and […]

How, When and Why: Can a Barrister Act on a Direct-Access Basis?

In this article, I will be explaining how, when and why a barrister may act on a direct-access basis.    Under the terms of the Public Access Scheme, which was introduced in 2004, barristers are not allowed to take on work directly from clients. Unless doing so is in both the client’s interest and the […]

What Is the Difference Between a Solicitor and a Barrister?

In this article, I will be explaining the main difference between a solicitor and a barrister.  The most prominent difference between the two is that barristers generally have ‘rights of audience’ in court, meaning they can address a judge directly. Another notable difference is that solicitors more often undertake their work outside of the courtroom.  […]

covid 19 and mercantile barristers by samuel okoronkwo

hand sanatizer

With the constantly evolving news of the spread of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”), the health of staff and clients at Mercantile Barristers is paramount along with ensuring that chambers maintains a high level of service.   Chambers is monitoring all developments and following the guidance of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the NHS, UK Government, the Bar […]

samuel okoronkwo on covid 19 and working from home policy

work from home employment contract

The UK Government has instructed the general public to work from home. However, for the majority of businesses across the UK this may not be possible. Employers may not have the infrastructure and employees may need to be on location to work. Following these challenges, Samuel Okoronkwo of Mercantile Barristers gives some guidance in this […]